“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.”

Photo Credit: The Black Nazarene of San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish.

“Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” This was the cry of the leper in today’s Gospel (Lk 5:12-16) who needs most of Jesus’ love, healing, and compassion. And he was not frustrated. Jesus did not hesitate to heal him. Jesus immediately stretched out his hand and touched the leper, saying, ‘I do will it, be made clean.’ And the person’s leprosy left him immediately.

In our life, we too are in need of Jesus’ love, healing, and compassion. We too are sick not of leprosy physically, but leprosy which kills our spiritual life, our soul – that is sin. Every time we sinned our soul is eaten up and if we do not care, surely we die.

What do we need to do? Like the leper, we need to approach Jesus. We need to ask him to heal us. We need our effort to come near to him every moment. Jesus, don’t hesitate to heal if we also don’t hesitate to come near to him.

Prayer: Loving Father, you sent Jesus your only Begotten Son for our salvation. May we who approach him, receive always your healing, love, and compassion, and may we become instrument of salvation towards our brethren. Through Jesus Christ your Son, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen.

Published by Rev. Fr. John Mark

Poor Servant Religious

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